TextAreaA multi-line text input field with support for labels and helper text.
Helper text
The TextArea component provides a multi-line text input with support for labels, helper text, and error states. It can be used in both controlled and uncontrolled modes. Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
import { TextArea } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

  placeholder="Enter your text here"
  helperText="Optional helper text"
The TextArea component accepts the following props:
  • label: Text label displayed above the textarea
  • isOptional: Boolean indicating if the field is optional (default: false)
  • helperText: Helper text displayed below the textarea
  • error: Boolean to show error state
  • width: Custom width for the textarea container (string | number, default: "200px")
  • value: Controlled value for the textarea
  • onChange: Change handler for controlled usage
  • className: Additional CSS class names
  • All standard HTML textarea attributes
The most basic usage of TextArea with just a label and placeholder.
TextArea with optional indicator and helper text.
TextArea in error state with custom styling.
Example of TextArea in controlled mode.
TextArea with custom width specification.